Regional Networker Grant

The Regional Networker Grant Program is part of Queensland Small Business Month 2024 (QSBM2024) and aims to ensure more Queensland small businesses have access to support and information relevant to their local industry, community and region.

The program provides funding to eligible regional chambers of commerce and industry, small business and industry associations and local councils to run events and activations as a part of QSBM2024.

This funding is specifically focused on regional and remote areas of Queensland with the purpose of generating stronger networks for small businesses across regional Queensland.

Applications will be competitively assessed based on the impact that the funded activity will have on the relevant local small business community.

Applicants can only apply for funding for events or activities held in May as part of QSBM2024.

Available funding

Upfront funding of $2,000 (excluding GST) is available for eligible organisations. Successful applicants do not have to co-contribute to this grant, but successful applicants must pay for any related expenses more than the approved funding amount.

For more information about eligibility criteria and how to apply, visit the Queensland Government Business Website.