Let’s Talk Scenic Rim – SRRC Community Feedback

This is a good opportunity for our business community to be involved with.


On 2 February 2022, Council will officially launch Let’s Talk Scenic Rim. You will have the opportunity to provide feedback on two projects, the Draft Growth Management Strategy and the Council Services Satisfaction Survey, as well as see updates and reports on a variety of other works.

Anyone, at any time, can read documents and information on a variety of projects housed on Let’s Talk Scenic Rim. To participate, community members can sign up to the community panel, a short registration process, and then contribute to any or all consultation opportunities.

The registration process helps us to evaluate each project’s engagement audience and contributes to how we can reach members of the community who are not already participating. You can read about Council’s renewed approach to community engagement on the About Us page.

You can register on the Community Panel right now [the orange button below] and when the projects ‘go live’, Council will send a quick email to let you know and you can jump right in. When you join the Community Panel, you join the conversations, share your ideas, and have your say on a range of topics, projects and programs of work. This is your opportunity to help shape the future of the Scenic Rim.


Sign Up to the Community Panel here