Deep Dive into Modern Marketing

Tuesday 31 August, 9:00am – 3:00pm @ Fire Station 101

Y(E)P Ipswich Presents – Deep Dive into Modern Marketing


Our popular Unconference style Deep Dive is back and this time we’re plunging into all things around Modern Marketing.

Connections over presentations, an experience of awesome business-focused people together in a room.

An Unconference is a day of people coming together and using their different skills and knowledge to create mini-workshops on the spot. No PowerPoints in sight.

You decide what you want to learn, discuss, or share. The agenda is set at the beginning of the day by attendees. It starts with a bunch of post-it note ideas on a wall.

Multiple small groups then happen at the same time across different topics.
Pick what interests you most for this Modern Marketing Deep Dive,
some sessions might be about:

– Data security in marketing
– What is this TikTok phenomenon?
– Chat bots
– SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
– Talk and engage, don’t sell

Made possible by Business Ipswich and Crowd Round Unconference.

For more information about registering, please email [email protected]